Barbora Steinlauf works as a legal expert and bioethics scholar in the IRLaB team, focussing on field work in Czech hospitals on diverse topics in bioethics. She graduated from the Law Faculty of the Charles University in Prague. She holds a Ph.D. in Theoretical Legal Sciences. She is also a graduate of the Medical Ethics and Law master's program at Kings College London, where her main focus was to study the legal and ethical aspects of commercial surrogacy, and studied at Sherwin B. Nuland Institute in Bioethics at Yale University. She is currently doing her second Ph.D. in Bioethics at The First Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague where she focuses on ethical aspect of perinatal care and the use of ethics consultations in this context. She works as a head attorney in a law firm that specializes in medical law, and teaches medical law at various institutions. She is an active member of The Czech Society for Palliative Medicine of The Czech Medical Association of J. E. Purkyně.
Publications (selection):
Vráblová, Barbora, Právo v závěru života (Prague: Wolters Kluwer, 2019).
Mach, J. Buriánek, A. Záleská, D. Máca, M. Vráblová, B., Komentář k zákonu o zdravotních službách a zákonu o specifických zdravotních službách (Prague: Wolters Kluwer, 2018).
Benešová, Hana & Steinlauf, Barbora & Straka, Barbora “Preference nezletilého pacienta při poskytování zdravotních služeb – právní a etický pohled,” Paliativní medicína 4 (1), 2023.
Milafit, René & Steinlauf, Barbora, “Etické a právní aspekty perinatální ztráty a perinatální paliativní péče,” Hlávkova nadace, 2024.
Weberová, Magdaléna, Matějek, Jaromír, & Steinlauf, Barbora, “Etika v pediatrii a neonatologii,” (Praha: Grada Publishing 2023).
Barčíková, Kateřina & Steinlauf, Barbora, “Sdílené rozhodování o cíli péče u dítěte s progredujícím renálním selháním v rámci primární hyperoxalurie,” Paliativní medicína 4 (2), 2023.