Geoffrey Dierckxsens (Ph.D.) is head of the Interdisciplinary Research Lab for Bioethics (IRLaB) at the Department of Applied Ethics and Philosophy in the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) in Prague. He is deputy head of the same department and president of the Society for Ricoeur Studies. He obtained his Ph.D. in 2015 at the University of Antwerp (Belgium), worked as an associated researcher at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris. He has published several articles and books with international journals and publishing houses, such as Topoi, Philosophy Today, The Journal for Medical Ethics, Brill, Springer and Rowman and Littlefield.
Edited Special Journal Issues in Progress:
Dierckxsens, Geoffrey (ed.), “(Bio-) Ethical dimensions of Enactive Cognition,” Topoi. An International Review of Philosophy (scheduled to appear in 2021).
“Enactivism and French Philosophy,” The Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy (scheduled to appear in 2020).
Publications (selection):
Dierckxsens, Geoffrey (ed.), The Ambiguity of Justice: New Perspectives on Paul Ricœur’s Approach to Justice (Boston/Leiden: Brill, 2020) (forthcoming).
Dierckxsens, Geoffrey, “Prostheses as Narrative Technologies: Bioethical Considerations for Prosthetic Applications in Health Care,” in: Romele Alberto, Reijers, Wessel & Coeckelbergh, Marc (eds.), Ricoeur and Technology: Reconfiguring Philosophy, Ethics and Politics of Technology (London: Rowman and Littlefield, 2020). (forthcoming).
“Law and Metadiscourse: Ricoeur on Metaphysics and the Ascription of Rights,” in: Reading Ricoeur Through Law, Taylor, George H., Brennan, Eileen & De Leeuw, Marc (eds.) (London/New York: Lexington Books, 2020). (forthcoming).
“Making Sense of (Moral) Things:’ Fallible Man in relation to Enactivism,” in: A Companion to Fallible Man, Davidson, Scott (ed.) (London/New York: Lexington Books, 2019).
“Ricœur’s Take on Embodied Cognition. Enactivism in light of Freedom and Nature,” in: A Companion to Ricoeur’s Freedom and Nature, Davidson, Scott (ed.) (London/New York: Lexington Books, 2018).
“Imagination, Narrativity and Embodied Cognition: Exploring the Possibilities of Paul Ricœur’s Hermeneutical Phenomenology for Enactivism,” Unisinos 19, 1 (2018): 41-9.
Paul Ricœur’s Moral Anthropology: Singularity: Responsibility and Justice (London/New York: Lexington Books, 2017).
Dierckxsens, Geoffrey, Bijlsma, Rudmer, Begun, Michael, Kiefer, Thomas (eds.), The Animal Inside: Essays at the Intersection of Philosophical Anthropology and Animal Studies (London/New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 2017).
Dierckxsens, Geoffrey, “Fragilité, narrativité et la vie éthique: une étude d’Amour et fragilité de Gaëlle Fiasse,” Les ateliers éthiques/The Ethics Forum 12, 2-3 (2017): 262–271.
DOI: 10.7202/1051285ar
“Responsibility and the Physical Body: Paul Ricoeur on Analytical Philosophy of Language, Cognitive Science, and the Task of Phenomenological Hermeneutics,” Philosophy Today 61, 3 (2017): 573-93.
“The Ambiguity of Justice: Paul Ricoeur on Universalism and Evil,” Études Ricœuriennes/ Ricœur Studies 6, 2 (2015): 32-49.